Baby Boomers & Cannabis

It’s easy to assume that the cannabis industry is solely serving younger people such as Millennials or older Gen Z’s, because that’s who we commonly see as consumers in media and music. Baby Boomers however, are a significant generation when it comes to industry success. The sheer size of the generation as a target market is exciting but Boomers have a different mindset and generally differ on all fronts compared to younger target markets. To attract such a large market segment of current and/or future consumers, you must consider how, where, what and why they buy cannabis products.

Why Boomers Buy

Baby Boomers are not only attractive potential cannabis customers because of their large numbers and incredible spending ability, but also because they have a history of marijuana consumption. This factor alone contributes to an overwhelmingly open-mindedness and willingness to revisit the consumption of cannabis. This generation is also reaching an age phase that is commonly accompanied by a plethora of physical and mental ailments, such as arthritis, glaucoma, depression and PTSD. Baby Boomers are also associated with a holistic mentality and many would rather use a naturally derived product versus a manufactured pharmaceutical to treat such ailments. 

What Boomers Buy

This demographic is generally familiar with inhalable versions of cannabis, typically consumed using pipes and joint paper. Edibles, oils, patches and other modern forms of cannabis are basically foreign to this market. Research shows that Baby Boomers tend to be attracted to low-dose options however, regardless of the method of consumption. 

Your company can find success targeting Baby Boomers by offering lower-dose options so they are able to achieve physical and/or mental pain management without the paranoia they often cite as their reason for having stopped consuming cannabis. Boomers are open to newer forms of consumption but just need access to the information to make a confident decision.

How & Where Boomers Buy

You could easily attempt to create a website with educational and purchasing elements, specifically designed for older customers; but even as more Boomers use digital sources like Facebook and online ordering, they generally prefer to speak to a professional and learn about their options. Regardless of the amount of materials you provide digitally, Boomers respond best to in-store interactions and speaking with a dispensary employee to determine what their next purchase is. Don’t waste valuable resources attempting to drive their digital shopping, tailor online sales towards younger customers and attempt to guide older foot traffic into your dispensary where employees are ready to share their knowledge, experience and opinions on what they believe is the best purchase.

The Boomer generation’s requirement for strong customer service will most definitely apply to this new industry as well and should be seriously considered when attempting to attract this large and lucrative target market.